Our articles of use and jewels we carry with us every day may represent substantial value, thus, we would like to ascertain that those are kept safe during our holidays or trips abroad. The expert of our Law Firm, dr. Loránd Kovács elaborates in his article in the Business Section of origo how the international law – especially in Europe – regulates the liability of hotel-keepers in case our valuable possessions are damaged or lost. Please find the article at: http://www.origo.hu/jog/lakossagi/20130714-a-szallodak-karteritesi-felel...

 Please click on the PDF file below if you would like to read the English translation:



Capital Services

A full-day conference on employment was organised by HR Portal and KRS Attorneys-at-Law on 24 May 2016 at the Glass Hall of MÜPA (Palace of Arts) in Budapest. The most leading experts in all areas of employment made presentations and also answered to the questions of the audience.