Closing Conference of DIADSE International Research Project on European Social Model
The closing conference of DIADSE research project funded by EU was organised between 28 and 30 September 2016 in Brussels. The purpose of this conference was that the research groups disseminated and assessed their comparative analyses, which evaluated the labour law reforms and social dialogue initiatives in several Member States. The research project investigated how the social dimension of Europe both at national and supranational level had been affected by the latest socioeconomic adjustment and how the social dialogues had developed the European social model. Within the framework of the conference, the research groups made a presentation on the involvement of the social partners in labour and social reforms at Member State level – the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal and Belgium, in the view of what effects of those reforms have had on the labour market.
The Head of Legal Department of our Law Firm, Dr. Ádám Kéri had participated in the DIADSE research project as an interview subject and attended the closing conference of research project as a guest too.
You can read about the conference by clicking here: