The closing conference of the European Labour Law Network was held between 10 and 11 November 2016 in Brussels which was attended by dr. Ádám Kéri, the head of the Labour Law Department of KRS Attorneys-at-Law. The European Labour Law Network was initiated by the Labour Law Department at the University of Frankfurt, the members of which are non-governmental legal experts (employer’s associations), academics , officers of specialized ministries including all Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area. At the same time, the European Labour Law Networks is an entirely independent network from trade unions, employer’s advocacy associations and governments. Shortly after its establishment, in December 2007, it signed a contract with the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission and it became the European Commission’s official advisor on issues relating to questions in the field of labour law. Later this contractual relationship was renewed in December 2011.
On the one hand, the aims of ELLN were to find the common foundation of European labour law, on the other hand to establish a platform for dialogue among labour law experts in Europe. The experts examined within this framework how the rules of labour laws in Europe are connected. The topics presented on the conference included the comparison of the difference in labour law legislations (e.g. the amendment of the Labour Codes, the emergence of new legislation, the change in the role of labour inspections etc.), the relationship between the economic changes and labour rules (development of employment vs. rights of employee), as well as the role and spread of atypical employment. The methodological possibilities were also examined involving an American professor because the genre of restatement originates from the U.S.A. The head of the Labour Law Department of KRS Attorneys-at-Law has been participating in the activity of ELLN for years.