Lawyering has changed a lot in the last decade. Today, not only high professional quality that matters for the Clients but budgeting as well. In order to meet this requirement we created our flat fee service packages providing the below main competitive advantages for Your company as well:

  • legal services can be budgeted
  • up-to-date information on the changes of laws in the respective industrial branch and taxation
  • continuous communication enabling us to detect problems proactively so to minimalise and/or annul legal risks influencing your business
  • technical services for free or for discounted fee
  • risk minimising -, efficiency improving- and strategic analysing legal products for discounted fee

Fur further detailed information please click here. 



Capital Services

A full-day conference on employment was organised by HR Portal and KRS Attorneys-at-Law on 24 May 2016 at the Glass Hall of MÜPA (Palace of Arts) in Budapest. The most leading experts in all areas of employment made presentations and also answered to the questions of the audience.