Our law firm held an all-day-long executive and legal training on 17 September 2018 for the management of an affiliated company being subsidiary of a German-owned, market leader company in the field of in-plant logistic provider, materials handling machines and store and materials handling systems both on a national and international level. The topic of the training was mainly determined by the legal areas having an impact on the activities of the Hungarian affiliated company. During the first part of the training some of the areas of Competition law were presented and discussed, such as anticartel, consumer protection and the legislation regarding advertising addressed to consumers or economic operators, the problematics relating to tax and accounting legislation, which could influence the everyday life of the company, moreover the liability of the managing directors towards to the company, and against third parties (e.g. creditors). During the second part of the day the issues of data protection, labour law and safety, environmental law, including the set up of an environmental-protection management inside the company and finally the renewed provisions of the legislation subject to the managing and protection of know-how were presented and discussed. Within the framework of the training with a practical approach, the general and particular characteristics of the potential proceedings initiated by different authorities related to the legal areas concerned were also separately presented, including the practical difficulties and the options for solutions and appropriate case handling possibilities.



Capital Services

A full-day conference on employment was organised by HR Portal and KRS Attorneys-at-Law on 24 May 2016 at the Glass Hall of MÜPA (Palace of Arts) in Budapest. The most leading experts in all areas of employment made presentations and also answered to the questions of the audience.